How to Access ROI from CRM Webinar On-Demand

How to Access ROI from CRM Webinar On-Demand

Brian Gardner No Comment

If you missed the recent SalesProcess360 webinar, ROI from CRM: 3 Takeaways in 30 Minutes, access the on-demand video here.

In it, I talk about three critical factors to getting ROI from CRM:

  • Remember: It’s about process, not just technology.
  • Build a team-selling culture to share and leverage information.
  • Don’t forget about the importance of management’s commitment to CRM and change.

Watch the 30-minute webinar now.

Share this link with your team, and if you want any feedback on applying the concepts outlined in this presentation, contact us today: [email protected]

Interested in the book the webinar was based on? Order it at

SalesProcess360 Videos featuring Brian Gardner

Get insights based on decades of experience in industrial markets, including why you should think beyond outside sales, how to take a proactive approach to sales opportunities and how to let sales process drive your CRM wish list.